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Syllabus Requirements

Syllabus Requirements for Online Classes

这些信息应该在教学大纲或课程方向模块中. 教学大纲应该在画布的教学大纲工具中. 课程方向可以是独立的模块,也可以是第一个课程模块中有序的页面集合.


A. Course Basics

  1. Material from the Official Course Outline.

    1. Course Description

    2. Number of units & transfer status

    3. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

    4. 这里的所有内容必须完全匹配,所以从 Official Course Outline.

  2. Link to the Student Academic Policies & Procedures page.  

    1. This page will be updated by the college; so be sure to link to the page rather than copy the information.

    2. 不要使用旧链接、pdf文件或任何其他来源获取此信息.

  3. Link to Student Services.

  4. 学生预计在课堂上花费的时间.  Students should spend 51 hours per unit per semester. 不要用“课堂上”或“课外”来表示,因为这些与在线课程无关. 例如:一门3单元的课程每学期总共是153学时. This is 9 hours per week for a 17 week semester.

  5. 确定课程要求,如教科书、软件、访问码、计算器等.

    1. 如果学生需要录制视频或您正在使用proctorio, be sure to include a webcam as a requirement.

    2. 包括数字教科书的链接和/或学生如何购买教科书的信息

  6. Since some students may be from out of the area

    1. For course times - use AM and PM; and list times as PT (Pacific Time).

    2. Use area codes with phone numbers

  7. Let students know they have free access to the full suite of Office applications 通过他们与皇冠新现金网的合作来使用个人拥有的技术.


B. Instructor Information & Where Students Can Get Help

  1. Introduce yourself.

  2. How should students contact you?

    1. Canvas Inbox is the best option.

    2. 您还可以将Butte电子邮件帐户列为次要来源

    3. Do NOT use external email accounts; these create FERPA and Accreditation issues.

    4. If you have other means of communication, such as a Q&A forum in Canvas or telephone, list those as well

    5. If you have office hours, list the time and location

  3. 当学生给你发信息时,他们什么时候能收到你的回复?

    1. Be specific. 例如:我会在工作日24小时内回复邮件,周末48小时内回复邮件.

    2. 平衡你的工作量,理解学生可能在不同的时间做作业.

  4. How will you reach out to the class?  Will you send announcements or class wide emails?  How else will you initiate contact with students? 如果您正在使用公告工具,请鼓励学生设置 Canvas Notifications so they receive your announcements.

  5. 部门皇冠新现金网(以防您不在). Include the name of the department; name of contact; office number; phone number, with area code; email address.

  6. 如果学生可以去其他地方寻求帮助,请列出这些地方. For example: tutoring center, computer labs, etc. 您可能还想鼓励学生使用内置到我们的画布课程NetTutor功能.

  7. 让学生了解在画布导航的“帮助”图标中找到的资源.


C. Grading, Participation & Rules

  1. 概述缴交日期及课程作业的组织方式.

    1. Canvas在教学大纲的底部列出了所有的截止日期.  Make sure these are accurate. But, this isn’t enough. 也让学生对课程的“节奏”有一个广阔的视野.  例如:作业每周三交,小测验每周日交. Or: There will be an assignment due every Tuesday, a discussion every Friday, and a test every other week.

    2. 避免在晚上12点或凌晨12点完成任务,因为这会让人感到困惑.  Use 11:59 PM instead.

  2. Define how students will be graded.  

    1. 描述评估的类型以及每种评估值多少.

    2. 列出评分标准和每个等级所需的分数.

    3. 还要解释学生的作业将如何评分.  如果你在Canvas中使用标题,让学生知道这些信息对他们是可用的.

    4. 记住,你写下来的东西是学生唯一能看到的东西(你不能亲自解释细微的差别)。.  

  3. Participation and Drop Policy

    1. Students that don’t participate need to be dropped; and you have to define what “non-participation” means. For example, 你可以将参与定义为每周至少上交一次评估和一次测验. 没有提交任何评估或测验的学生将被取消资格.  Participation should be more than just a quiz. 对于学生来说,随机点击测验并因此留在课堂上太容易了.

    2. Also, 参与不能以成绩为基础(所以你不能说学生必须得“C”才能留在班里). 这一政策防止学生被选入他们没有参加的课程. 但应该有一些灵活性,以防学生有紧急情况或错过一些工作. 要回答的问题是——学生能做的最小作业是多少,并且仍然被算作课堂的一部分?

    3. 这里有一个你可以使用的例子:“如果学生要继续获得经济援助,联邦法律要求积极参与. 我将积极参与定义为每周按时提交至少一份评分作业. 连续两周未达到要求的学生,未经教师同意,可能会被退学."

  4. 在第一周确定什么是参与. 不符合这一要求的学生将被视为未到校. First-week policies might include things such as:

    1. 完成第一单元的所有作业

    2. 参与要求您在(时间范围)内回复讲师发送的任何信息。

  5. How long will it take for assignment to be graded?  How will students get feedback on assignments?

  6. 解释加班、额外学分和补课政策.

  7. Define any rules for the course.

    1. 网络礼仪规则和适当的讨论语言——这在学生讨论敏感或有争议的话题时尤为重要.

    2. 你和其他学生的交流规则,比如俚语和短信的适当使用.

    3. Rules on what constitutes cheating or plagiarism.


Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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